Computer Links
PC Remote Assistance
- Contacts - Apple's contact address
- Feedback - Send Apple Feedback
- Find - Find information on Apple's Server
- Press Releases - Apple's latest Press Releases
- Site Contents - What is on Apple's Site
- Software Library - Good Software Source
- Tech Info Library - Apple's Technical Information Library
- Tech Support Online - Apple's Technical Support address
Other Apple resources
- AppleNet - Apple's Internet division
- Comptia - CompTIA Organization
Claris home page - Apple's software publishing arm
- Customer Quality Feedback - beta test Apple products
- Cyberdog - Internet component software
- Developer Notes - details on hardware and Mac OS versions
Developer World - development news and resources
Download Sites - where to get Apple Software Updates
- Education (K-12) - pre-school through high school
- Education (higher) - links to more information and resources
Find - search Apple web site (has map)
- FireWire - high-speed serial bus standard
Help - frequently-asked questions
- Internet mailing lists - under construction
- MAE - Mac emulator for Unix (HP & Sun)
- Mac OS - operating system home page
- MkLinux - Linux for Power Macs
New Files - recently added to Software Updates library
- Newton - MessagePad, eMate, etc.
- OpenDoc - Apple's OpenDoc home page
- Open Transport - from Developer Tech
Products - product data sheets, no prices
- QuickDraw 3D - 3-dimensional graphics technology
- QuickTime - Apple's QuickTime home page
- QuickTime VR - "virtual reality" on Mac screens
- - Guy Kawasaki's developer mailing list
- Speech - speech products and technologies
Support - home page for Apple customer support services
- The Source - home page for press, analyst info
- Tech Q & A - searchable collection of developer information
Tech Notes - home page for developer technical notes
- Technologies & Research - links to Apple's new and hot technologies
Other Apple resources
- Apple Asia - includes information about markets
- AppleNet - Apple's Internet division
Claris home page - Apple's software publishing arm
- Adobe home page- Adobe Software's Web site.
- Customer Quality Feedback - beta test Apple products
- Cyberdog - Internet component software
- Developer Notes - details on hardware and Mac OS versions
Developer World - development news and resources
Download Sites - where to get Apple Software Updates
- Education (K-12) - pre-school through high school
- Education (higher) - links to more information and resources
Find - search Apple web site (has map)
- FireWire - high-speed serial bus standard
Help - frequently-asked questions
- Internet mailing lists - under construction
- MAE - Mac emulator for Unix (HP & Sun)
- Mac OS - operating system home page
- MkLinux - Linux for Power Macs
- Mac Evangelist - Guy Kawasaki's Evangelist mailing list
New Files - recently added to Software Updates library
- Newton - MessagePad, eMate, etc.
- OpenDoc - Apple's OpenDoc home page
- Open Transport - from Developer Tech
Products - product data sheets, no prices
- QuickDraw 3D - 3-dimensional graphics technology
- QuickTime - Apple's QuickTime home page
- QuickTime VR - "virtual reality" on Mac screens
- - Guy Kawasaki's developer mailing list
- Speech - speech products and technologies
- The Source - home page for press, analyst info
- Tech Q & A - searchable collection of developer information
Tech Notes - home page for developer technical notes
- Technologies & Research - links to Apple's new and hot technologies
- Apple Support - home page for Apple Support
- Complete Conflict Compendium - incompatibilities and bugs
- Dr. Toner - laser printer tips
- FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions (with answers)
- Information Alley - Apple's "support journal"
- Internet Starter Kit - Engst's complete book
- MacFixIt - Ted Landau's troubleshooting tips
- Macintosh Troubleshooting - Apple's own guide
- Mailing lists - automatic e-mail on various Mac topics
- National Fraud Information Center - fraud news, resources
- Newsgroups - Mac topics on Usenet
- Pruning Page - System folder contents and configuration
- - how to fight Internet spam
- Tech Info Library - Apple database of problems and solutions
- User Groups - Apple's User Groups page